International Insurance Broker

Insurance Broker     •     Insurance Consultancy     •     Claims Adjuster

Our company is offering complete services tailored to your personal and business needs.
We meet the most demanding requirements, in the shortest time and at the highest level.
International Insurance Broker offers full brokerage services, insurance consultancy and damage regularization.

Insurance Broker

Researching and offering quotes for prices and conditions of insurance policies is the first step in closing a policy favorable to our client from all points of view, starting with the conditions of the policy, the procedures necessary to close and unfold the policy and not in the least being the price of a policy, competitive and comparative with the price offered by all the important insurers in the field.
Closing a policy is the next step after the customer has chosen the quote better suited for his request. Depending on the needs and our customers’ requests, they can close the following policies:

Car Insurance

RCA Insurance is an insurance through which third parties, which were prejudiced as a result of a car accident produced by the insured driver, receive payment for the material damage and/or even the loss of life or physical damages which occurred. The purpose of this insurance policy is that the harmed one will receive payment for the damages occurred regardless of the financial possibilities of the one who is at fault for the damages. As follows, the RCA policy is very important and obligatory, even in the case that the owner of the car already has a CASCO policy.

CASCO Policy is an optional insurance policy, for damages and theft, having as a result the compensation of damages occurring to one’s own car. The person at fault for the accident can’t benefit from the RCA policy for the compensation of damages to his own car, so the CASCO policy is very important to any driver.
Besides these two policies, the most sought after and used car insurance policies, clients can close other types of car insurance policies, as it is:

  • CMR Insurance (for vehicles transporting goods)
  • Car Insurance for land transportation

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is a means to financial protect us. As a form of protection for a person, the life insurance policy is creating an additional income for a specific moment in time, assuring a financial capital or a pension.

The capacity to realize an income can be your most important capital you have, because this way you can realize your wishes and secure for your family a comfortable and peaceful living. Unfortunately, neither your capacity to realize an income or work, as well as your health are not guaranteed.

If an unfortunate event will result in the incapacity to work, infirmity, or even death of a person, the need for further income will continue for all who were financial dependent for the said person, making a Life Insurance an imperative form of securing your future.

Also, a Life Insurance is a very good way to save and multiply the money paid as premiums, having the possibility to receive them in a substantial sum when the period of the policy coverage expires.

General Insurance

Regardless of the world’s evolution and the advantages of the modern technology, nobody can control what happens around us. Insurance is our most important protection specially when is against damages produced by nature, also when the activities of third parties affect us in a negative way. All this risks – natural calamities, theft and robbery, risks of health, professional activity, goods in transit, and many others – are part of our daily life and is preferable that somebody else assumes these risks instead of us.

These are the main reasons for which general insurance products appeared, offered by insurers that take over the risks for almost any activity or object, for an amount that the insured is willing to pay. Although some forms of insurance are more known than others, in principle any request can be evaluated by the insurer and offered an appropriate policy. This way, policies can be closed for the following objects and activities, but not only:

Home insurance Equipment insurance Insurance against theft and robbery for commercial and production activities
Private health insurance Transit goods insurance (CARGO) Insurance for construction (equipment and machines, production, open sites)
Private pension plan Insurance for naval fleet Insurance for valuables and money
Merchandise insurance Insurance in agriculture (goods, crops, equipment) Insurance against accidents
Office and industrial buildings insurance Insurance against theft and robbery for civil activities Insurance for aviation fleet

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance has as object covering the damages inflicted by the insurer to third parties, in the conditions in which the insured is legally at fault. Even as companies are mostly the ones who need such insurance policies, private persons can also close them.

The most frequent policies for liability are the following, but there are also more specialized ones, depending on the activity:

Liability for manufacturer Liability for the transporter (in its quality as carter of goods in transit)
Liability for employer Liability for commercial and industrial risks
Liability for store owners Liability for landlord or tenant
Liability for private civil persons Liability for boat using
Liability for managers and civil servants Liability for a car in transit outside Romanian borders

Guarantee Insurance

Guarantee Insurances represents an advantageous alternative to the bank guarantee letter, both financially, but especially for the optimal performance of the company's activity. Warranty insurance differs from the classic concept of insurance. Collateral insurance is a tripartite written commitment: Insurer, Insured / Offeror and Contract Beneficiary / Contracting Authority. Within this written commitment that takes the form of an insurance policy, the Insurer guarantees the fulfillment of the contractual obligations assumed by the Insured towards the Beneficiary and undertakes to indemnify the Beneficiary, provided that the Insured is guilty of the breach of the guaranteed obligations. Warranty coverage is issued after a full company review, similar to scoring analysis, on credit worthiness, solvency, ability to meet its contractual obligations and its reputation.

Advantages of Guarantee Insurance

  • Protects liquidity so that it will no longer be blocked in collateral deposits
  • Offer flexibility
  • Quick feedback, both at the conclusion of the financial analysis and on the issuance of policies
  • Compliance with the forms required by the Beneficiary
  • Advantageous premium of insurance
  • Issuing insurance policies in accordance with the clauses required by the data sheet or the specifications

Bid Bond
A Bid Bond type guarantee is required in the case of an invitation to tender for the award of a public procurement contract where a bank letter or guarantee instrument issued under the law of an insurance company must be presented.
The Auction Guarantee is the guarantee instrument by which the International Insurance Broker makes a commitment to the Beneficiary on behalf of the Offeror in respect of the following non-compliance:

  • The bidder withdrew its offer during the period of its validity
  • The bid being established as winning bidder, the Offeror did not constitute the guarantee of good execution during the period of validity of the offer
  • When the bid is declared a winner, the bidder has not signed the public procurement contract during the period of validity of the offer

Performance Bond
A Performance Bond Guarantee is required if, following a winning bid, a public procurement contract has been signed, which entails the obligation to enter into a performance guarantee for the contract. The performance guarantee protects the Insured's partner in case of non-fulfillment or inadequate performance of the contractual obligations assumed. At the same time, Performance Bond guarantees to the Beneficiary the correct fulfillment of the execution obligations arising from the Guaranteed Contract.

Maintenance Bond
Any legal entity that has performed a contract must, upon completion of the works, provide a maintenance warranty, so that later defects can be rectified without additional costs. Maintenance bond assures the beneficiary to remedy any defects / vices hidden in the work performed during the post-execution warranty period (maintenance / maintenance period). This post-execution warranty period refers to the defect notification period, starting with the signing of the minutes of receipt, until the final acceptance minutes are signed.

Advance Payment Bond
The advance deposit guarantee is required when, in the case of an advance received under the contract, a deposit guarantee is required. In this way, the client's partner is assured by the fulfillment of the contractual obligations, namely the return on time and under the conditions of the advance payment.

Customs Guarantee
It covers the following customs procedures:

  • temporary storage
  • customs warehousing procedure
  • temporary admission procedure with total relief from import duties
  • destination regime
  • release for free circulation on the basis of a standard customs declaration, with deferred or deferred payment
  • temporary admission scheme with partial relief from import duties
  • other types of operations

Insurance Consultancy

In any field of one’s activity, in a modern society, there is a desire to take a decision based on the most actual and relevant information for whatever one wants to do, to close an activity in the most efficient and favorable way possible, not only from a financial point of view but also from the point of view of time and energy consumed in order to finalize an activity.

A consultant in the insurance field can offer you the security and trust you need not only to close the most advantageous policy, but also to evaluate the risks at which you are exposed and will be a helpful partner in case of a litigation.

Our company offers consultancy services in all aspects of the insurance field, including in the following cases, but not only:

Risk management Studying and analyzing the insurance market
Negotiating solutions for customer requests Financial risks
Insurance fraud Monetary and bank fraud
Legal counseling in insurance

Claims Adjuster

Damage Claims logoThrough Claims Adjuster its understood the sum of activities which builds and documents a case, implicit a file, in which the insured has had done, or did himself, damages to the insured object, together with the consultancy and assistance the insured person needs until the case is closed and the payment is made by the insurer to the insured.

Starting with the instrumentation of the case file, respecting the procedures established by the insurers for these cases, assisting the insured with all the formalities and procedures necessary and constantly monitoring the process through which the insured is compensated by the insurer, even ensuring the legal assistance and consultancy when needed, the broker’s activity is one of consultant and partner to both parties, his actions being in agreement with both the insurer demands and the insured necessities.

Even as a broker’s entire activity is important and necessary, maybe this part of the insurance market is the one in which the partnership between us and our customers is more obvious. Our team’s dedication and professional ethic to solve our customer’s problems manifests in our long term relationships, build and kept it in a very active, dynamic and constantly changing economy.

The Claims Adjuster services are provided by our partner company Damage Claims S.R.L

Call Center iBroker

+40 722 655 322

You’ve just been in an accident, in which your car has been damaged?
You need to know what to do further?
You don’t know how to get your car to the nearest auto shop?

We know how stressful an accident can be, no matter the circumstances. This is why we would like to help you to find the nearest auto mechanic, the fastest possibility to tow your car, the most helpful information regarding what you have to do to go through this unpleasant event as easy as possible. In order to always have a competent and well informed partner, use the Call Center IBroker.

At phone number +40 722 655 322 a claim adjuster will be permanently at your disposal and he can help you to solve any question you have, in the shortest time and with a minimum effort from your part.

Call us and benefit from our experience 24 hrs/7 days. A non-stop service created only for you, designed to offer you the peace and safety you want in a difficult moment.

About Us

Being created in order to offer an alternative to the more or less professional practices of the Romanian market, International Insurance Broker is a leader in a market full of existing companies, through its professionalism, honesty, promptitude and most of all devotion to its customers. Founding a company with Romanian capital and management, I considered that we must offer our customers services of a superior quality, at international level and diversified in a large variety, in order to cover all their necessities which would assure a comfortable and peaceful life. Our company respects and embraces all the valid legal regulations, also respects the norms of professional ethics, so our clients can have pertinent and reliable information in real time, so they can take the best decision for them.

The insurance broker has access to all the insurers, knows the conditions of all the policies and the procedures needed to close the most favorable and successful insurance forms which suits you. He can help you not only to save precious time and to choose the best offer for your budget, but also to have peace of mind and the guarantee that you and your family are protected.

Our company has continuously devoted its resources and accumulated experience since 1999, to better the quality of the services we offer to our customers, in our quest to become the friend you can count in your time of need. We founded our activity on the principles that being close to our customers, knowing and taking care of their needs with practical and personalized solutions, will bring us the success we desire.

In the future we will continuously dedicate our time to create a very close and favorable relationship between our clients and the insurer, giving sound advice to both parties, based on the years of experience and the up to date knowledge about the valid regulations adopted in the insurance market. Our development strategy was, and will always be, based on trust and stability, focusing our total attention towards our customer’s whishes, in our constant quest to be close to our customer and satisfy his needs in a professional way.

At iBroker, we strive to ensure that every interaction with our clients is exceptional. We're delighted to share that we have attained ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications, globally recognized for their rigorous standards in quality management and information security. The ISO 9001 certification confirms our commitment to efficient processes and customer satisfaction, while ISO 27001 attests to our secure and responsible data and information management. These certifications stand as a testament to our dedication to quality and security, ensuring you're in safe hands at iBroker. We aim to continue providing you with trusted services and exceeding your expectations in every interaction.

Our Team

Although our activity is, in the most part, computerized and we use different programs which guarantees a higher efficiency and accuracy of our offers, our team is formed with experienced specialists in the insurance field, with professional studies in a variety of different areas – economic, legal and technical.
Their competency, seriousness and professional ethics have been proven many times in the relationships between us and our clients, as well as in the ones with the insurers, both parties appreciating our promptness in offering services at a higher level of quality.
Dedicated to constantly improve their knowledge and professionalism, with a raised level of ethics, at the core of their daily activities is the devotion to our customers and their passion for the field they are working in.

Our Partners

Both on national and international level, our company has established working protocols with the biggest insurance companies, having thus the opportunity to negotiate and obtain the most advantageous insurance conditions for our clients, offering consultation and quotes not only for the local market, but also the continental and international ones.


Our Clients

Company founded and active in the Romanian business environment since 1999, International Insurance Broker has managed to develop a good relationship of cooperation with some of the most important companies on the Romanian market like:

Stratulat Albulescu Attorneys at Law Novomatic
Prosider International Master Chem Oil


S.C. International Insurance Broker S.R.L.

Str. Pritopescu Constantin, nr. 9A, et.1, Oraș Voluntari, Județul Ilfov